Making Music
Originally uploaded by Avery Studio.
So good he only needs one hand!
The little man is growing up fast and getting ready for stair climbing... Time to break out the gates!
Evan's magic hair. There were no balloons involved in the making of this photo. Take a guess to how this happened. No adults were responsible for it either.
One of the shots I took the other night when we had a beautiful full moon. Unfortunately I was without a tripod (Evan can be asked what happened to the old one.)
Capturing the moon is certainly a challenge and slowly becoming an addiction for me :-)
Evan a few weeks back when we took him & Kyle to "A Day With Thomas". Of course Evan enjoyed it the most.
fun photo I snapped while driving home one morning.
Kyle decided it was to hot for socks and felt they were worth tasting.
Will's self portrait of arm after the staples came out (taken with camera phone).
Evan definitely has hit the stage of not wanting to sit still.
For the record this was around 9am and Dad had nothing to do with it... except taking the picture.
Taken from MacBook Pro while Kyle was amused seeing himself on the computer.
yeah no one was killed but man gotta watch those straightaways. see the other two images leading up to the wreck on flickr account (Right column link).
Getting ready for takeoff to Cancun... yes this post is out of order i know...
Meant to post this one first and try to keep things in order but the thrill of the whole ride caused me to forget ;-)
Dad was very excited, not only to have a healthy baby boy (9lbs 15oz.) but he got to wear scrubs!
Evan watching animals at the zoo with Pop pop last fall (2007).
Who put that there?
Dad/Grandpa Smith is much stronger then her thinks. Here he is proving Newton's law.
-Photo compliments of Grandma/Mom Smith
Here's Evan at the zoo last fall watching the elephants.
An older picture I dug up. Evan has lots of phone calls he has to make.